Friday 17 March 2006

Euro Trip (Day 4-5)- Nice, France

We abandoned cold weather for the coasts of southern France. A train ride through the countryside got us to Nice quickly and allowed us a great view. This area stood the absolute contrast of Paris. The colours of the buildings were light and there was crisp aqua blue water greeting a sandy beach.
Shoreline of Nice, France

They have very small cars there or drive motorcycles

We explored a lot of the city. People were friendly, many spoke English, they all seamed to love Canadians. 

The group of us
 I enjoyed the drive along the coast a lot. It was a great way to see the sights and many of the winding roads had places where you could pull off and take pictures.

Landscape of southern coastal France from a hill

 Some places were more built up than others but it was never as developed and busy as Paris. This was a much more relaxed area to be in.
 Also... I never thought of seeing palm trees in France myself so I was definitely surprised by seeing these decorate the city. The warm climate must allow them to plant a lot of things (including wine grapes) successfully.
 Hotel Canada! A little piece of home we found when traveling. This was right across from a shop that sold very nice (and affordable) perfumes.  Things in Nice weren't as overly priced as they were in Paris.

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