Friday 29 April 2011

Costa Rica 2011 Part 4: Adrenal volcano area

Today we drove to our next hotel: Hotel San Bosco.  After dinner we went to the Baldi Hot Springs. They are very gorgeous and had multiple pools of different temperatures. I do wish I could have seen it when it was natural and untouched but the man made ponds and waterfalls did have a certain appeal after a few days of hiking and snorkeling. Since we went at night it wasn't to warm or busy.

Our hotel had a very fragrant tree nearby with yellowish flowers. It was called Ylan Ylan and I would say is one of my favorite smells.

On our travels in the adrenal area we see adrenal lake which is 84km2 and  has a dam that provides the majority of Costa Rica's electricity.

We hike through the park on a hanging bridges trail. Strangle figs were seen choking out trees. Tarantulas were hidden in holes on the cliffs. We saw a broad billed mot mot and crested guans. Mot mots are one of my favorite birds I saw on this trip. They have long tails and are brightly coloured.  

Mot mot
 The bridge sways as you walk on it but it provided a fantastic view of the many bromeliads and orchids hanging on the trees.White collared swifts were seen nesting near a waterfall.  Belle billied woodpecker, orioles, keel billed toucans and peckeries were also sighted.

Duchmans pipe was a plant we frequently saw along the walk. The guide mentioned to us that the root of this plant was previously used by indigenous as a form of birth control.

My favorite find on this walk would have to be blue jean frogs. These small red and blue poison dart frog were calling on the moist forest floor at the base of some trees. I was the first person to see them.

The view of the volcano was really clear on some days and driving around we saw many great landscapes.
All volcanoes in C.R. are made into national parks
Adrenal volcano
 We go out for drinks at a local bar that night and enjoy a bit of the town. The locals are watching soccer on the TV in the bars.
Liz and Tarra

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