Monday 19 March 2012

Another Night South of Guelph

When my friend Josh texted me saying 'Would you be interested in herping tonight?' - How could I possibly refuse. We drove out and did some birding beforehand. We heard sandhill cranes and saw red winged blackbirds, sparrows, a phoebe, eastern meadowlarks and two great blue herons. Herping at the same location as the last few times but even more to be found.

Spring Peeper
 The spring peepers were almost deafening as we walked around the pools.
Male spring peeper calling
 Green frogs and bullfrogs were see in the pools and on land.
 This orb weaving spider was hanging around. Unfortunately I don't know spiders very and can't tell you the species but he was on a very intricate web between branches.
Orb weaving spider
 Our search for four-toed salamanders was quickly satisfied and we were surprised to find a female out by the ponds so early.
Female four-toed salamander
She was very photogenic when I had a flash on the camera.
 As you can imaging finding your Ontario favorites is always a joy. I must thank Dano for finding my favorite Ontario frog, the grey treefrog. Sitting low on some fallen over branches, Dano found something the rest of us haoverlooked. 
Grey treefrog- Hyla versicolour
 A distinguishing feature of grey treefrogs is bright yellow-orange on the inside of the legs and large toe pads for good grip even on small branches.
The second grey tree frog was larger than the first
This shot was just too adorable.
 Blue spotted and spotted salamanders were also seen in the pools. Less were seen on land than last time.Red backed salamanders were found by flipping rocks. A few eastern newts were in the pools and on land.
Red eft stage Eastern newt
Cute shot - out of focus
I have determined that Macro photography at night is very difficult without a flash. Head lamps can only do so much.
He crawled back out to pose when I put him back in the water.
 And then out of the corner of my eye.. I see a red speck on a branch before I stepped over it.
He was found like that I swear!
 Needless to say It was a great night with good friends. Many more to come I am sure.

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