Thursday 8 February 2018

Shrine Rituals in Japan - Hachiōji-gū Shrine, Tosayamada

Despite all of my walking around in the countryside I haven't really explored Tosayamada much in terms of visiting temples or shrines.  The first shrine I visited was the Hachiōji-gū Shrine.
Torii Gate at Hachiōji-gū Shrine, Tosayamada
A torii gate is the boundary line between holy ground and the secular world and you are supposed to bow once when entering it and pass through the side rather than the middle. Shrines and temples may also have a "temizuya"for performing a purifying ritual where you wash your hands and mouth with the ladles provided.  The ritual goes:
・First, scoop up water in a ladle with your right hand and pour water over your left hand.
・Next, hold the ladle with your left hand and pour water over your right hand.
・In your left hand, take some water that you have scooped with the ladle and rinse your mouth. Never touch the ladle directly to your mouth.
・Lastly, using the remaining water, tip the ladle to rinse it off.

"Temizuya" washing basin at Hachiōji-gū Shrine, Tosayamada
 After purification rituals are complete you go to the altar bow twice, clap twice and then bow again to pray. After praying you ring the bell, leave your donation and bow twice and clap twice again before leaving.
The shrine and trails around the shrine have many small altars and strings where prayers have been hung.  You can purchase paper to write prayers on at an office in most shrines and temples. I am unsure about the etiquette of bringing your own paper for this but would say it is best to buy from the office. I would also ask where you can hang it if it is possible for you to communicate this.
Hachiōji-gū Shrine, Tosayamada

The Hachiōji-gū Shrine has trails going up a small hill with a large monument at the top.  Unfortunately the signs were all in Japanese so I have no clue what the monument is for.
Hachiōji-gū Shrine, Tosayamada

From the hill you can actually see that the town is a lot more spread out than you expect of a small area like Tosayamada. The town does join to others adjacent to it and houses are small but farms are all around the town as a patchwork. It is quite a nice view with the mountains in the background and a very peaceful place above the town.
View of the Town from Hachiōji-gū Shrine, Tosayamada

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