Thursday 16 August 2018

Tokushima Castle Ruins (徳島城跡) and Naruto Whirlpools (鳴門の渦潮)

Visiting Tokushima City for the Awa Odori Festival we didn’t have much time to see all of the sights but we did manage to visit the Naruto whirlpools  and the ruins of Tokushima Castle, since the majority of the festival activities occur at night.

The whirlpools in Naruto are much further away by public transit than expected and it took an hour and a half and 710 Yen one-way.  The rain and storms that day made the views foggy and it was difficult to get any decent photo of the whirlpool from the observatory and the  Uzu no Michi (渦の道) walkway.
Map Naruto Whirlpools (鳴門の渦潮) area in Naruto Park
Naruto Whirlpools (鳴門の渦潮)

Naruto Whirlpools (鳴門の渦潮)

Naruto Whirlpools (鳴門の渦潮)
 The lookouts in Naruto Park had a nice view of the bridge and overal scenery but you can't really make out the whirlpools from there.
Naruto Whirlpools (鳴門の渦潮)
Naruto Whirlpools (鳴門の渦潮)
Naruto Whirlpools (鳴門の渦潮)
Naruto Whirlpools (鳴門の渦潮)
 The day we visited the castle was a bit nicer, The castle ruins are really mostly just old walls that are still standing but the surrounding area of the park and moats is quite nice. 
Map of Tokushima Castle Ruins (徳島城跡)
 Tokushima Castle Ruins (徳島城跡)
 Tokushima Castle Ruins (徳島城跡)
 Tokushima Castle Ruins (徳島城跡)
 Tokushima Castle Ruins (徳島城跡)
 Tokushima Castle Ruins (徳島城跡)
 Tokushima Castle Ruins (徳島城跡)
 Tokushima Castle Ruins (徳島城跡)
 The top of the hill is just an empty area with mowed lawn and a few lights. I expect maybe events are held here on occasion but I am not sure what exactly this area is usually used for. A few picnic tables or benches might help utilize the space better.
 Tokushima Castle Ruins (徳島城跡)
 Tokushima Castle Ruins (徳島城跡)
 Tokushima Castle Ruins (徳島城跡)
 Tokushima Castle Ruins (徳島城跡)
 Tokushima Castle Ruins (徳島城跡)
 Tokushima Castle Ruins (徳島城跡)
 Tokushima Castle Ruins (徳島城跡)
 Tokushima Castle Ruins (徳島城跡)
 Yeah that statue was odd... A kid really does look like he is peeing on birds. Not really sure why... really don't get the point of the statue. But hey it was random and funny to see.
 Tokushima Castle Ruins (徳島城跡)
 Tokushima Castle Ruins (徳島城跡)

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