Tuesday 4 September 2018

Hinomiko River, Kami-shi, Japan

I was only able to camp along the Hinomiko River for one night with the thunderstorms that came in for the rest of the week but the river was lovely. The crystal clear river had a rock-sand bottom and cold waters are incredibly refreshing for a swim. This was really a lovely place to camp and I wish I had more time to relax here. I also wish I had found this gorgeous place earlier in the hot Japanese summer.
Hikomiko River
Hinomiko River
Where the Hinomiko meets the Monobe River you can see the clear water crashing and mixing in with the murky waters of the Monobe. There are a lot of fish in the river and you can see them in the clear waters or jumping out at night.
Hinomiko and Monobe River
Hinomiko and Monobe River

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