Monday 20 February 2012

Jamaica- Day 3

My third day in Jamaica and I am pretty well oriented here now. Hesran and I go birding in the morning up the hill. The view is gorgeous and it's nice to finally be walking around in a more wild area. However the area is currently being built up and many huge nice houses are under construction. It's hard not to dream of one day having a view like this in a tropical country.
View of the marsh in morning mist from Redground
Feral pigeon
White-crowned pigeon
Ground doves
American kestrel

Eastern Kingbird? or flycatcher

Free range goats are all over the town

Collared dove
African collared dove
I really wanted to get into the middle of the marsh that I could see in the distance. When you want to do something. ASK THE LOCALS! It works. Hesran agreed to take me there tomorrow.
View of the marsh
In the afternoon we went to the beach again. The evening we came back and hung around the house. I saw more lizards and got some good shots of the Prairie warbler that had eluded my camera the first few days. 

Unknown lizard
Prairie warbler

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