Sunday 4 March 2012

Some local birding

Coming back from Jamaica it is hard to get back into sitting around studying. A friend and I spent a Sunday afternoon driving to various places near Guelph and going for short hikes.

Our first stop was driving near the Guelph quarries. We drove down low trafficked back roads and saw many crows, red-tailed hawks and one rough-legged hawk. At one stop before driving away from our rough-legged hawk a horned lark lands in the middle of the road in front of us.
Red tailed hawk
Rough legged hawk
Horned lark
Our second stop was a walk around Sudden Track. The trails were somewhat busy and the cold and windy day kept the woods fairly quiet in terms of birds.  Far back along the trails we saw red breasted nuthatches, red-bellied woodpeckers, downy woodpeckers and chickadees.
Red breasted nuthatch
Red-bellied woodpecker
Downy woodpecker

We drove to Mountsberg Lake and saw Canada geese, mallard ducks, hooded mergansers and more crows.
Hooded mergansers
Canada geese, Common goldeneye and a blurry Bufflehead in the left corner

At a feeder along the road we saw a purple finch and many chickadees. I need to start using my tripod more often.These pictures are shamefully blurry.
Purple finch and black-capped chickadee
 Had to include this one since it's my first in focus action shot.
Mallards in flight
Our last stop for the day and another short walk around Guelph Lake was much quieter than expected.  The feeders at the nature center had woodpeckers, chickadees, nuthatches and dark eyed juncos. We looked for but couldn't find the owl or tundra swans which had been seen earlier.
Dark-eyed junco

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