Saturday 21 April 2012

Ottawa Orchid Show

Today was the Orchid Show in Ottawa. I have been going to this with my mother (a botanist and orchid lover) for the past few years because it conveniently falls just before mothers day each year and I can always find her something she likes if not have her pick out her own flowers.

These shows involve orchid displays, artwork related to orchids, flower arrangements and orchid dealers who sell them at the show. Each year I see new things and there are usually some very rare orchids that are difficult to get to bloom.

So without further waiting.... Here are some gorgeous flowers.

 Phalaenopsis are probably the most common orchid in terms of house plants. There are many large varieties that are quite easy to grow. I walked out with this little phalaenopsis.
Mini Phalaenopsis

 Seeing green flowers is somewhat unusual in most plant families however many orchids can have white to greenish flowers fairly often.

 The bucket orchid is one of those species which rarely bloom and are hard to grow. They also only bloom for a day before they start closing up so this one was perfectly timed for the orchid show.
Bucket Orchid (Coryanthes)
Sedirea japonica are one of the fragrant orchids. They smell wonderful despite being quite small. It was very tempting to walk away from the show with one of these as well. 
Sedirea japonica

Cynodes cooperii
Cycnodes cooperii
This Cynodes cooperii is testament to the unique relationships orchids have with their pollinators. I have no idea what creature pollinates this orchid or how but it does appear to be quite unique and specialized in form.

Lycaste skinneri

Krull's scarlet

Cymbidium devonianum

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