Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Reptiles and Amphibians of Holguin Province, Cuba

Although the trip wasn't focused on looking for reptiles and amphibians I always manage to keep my eyes open and find a few along the way.

Cuban Ameiva -Ameiva auberi

Cuban Blue Anole - Anolis allisoni

Oriente Giant Anole - Anolis noblei

Oriente Giant Anole - Anolis noblei

Cuban Side-blotched Curlytail - Leipcephalus macropus
Amphibians weren't really common at the resort except when I found a few creeks and small drainage streams in the areas nearby.

Cuban Tree Frog

Cuban Tree Frog

Cuban Tree Frog

And as always you find other very cool creatures while out and about at night....
