Monday 8 October 2012

The road home from S. Illinois

We took the scenic route home and tried to check out a place a local herper told us would be good for red milksnakes. The day was sunny and the road must have been a great basking site because we saw more dead on the road snakes than anything else. This included cottonmouth, watersnakes and a gorgeous red milk snake right where the local told us they'd be.

The first live snake we saw was a black rat snake in between juvenile and adult colouration. It  was right on the side of the road so we had a nice chance to get some pictures with this very docile snake.
Photos of the Black Rat Snake
Black Rat Snake (Pantherophis obsoletus) and I
A quick pull off to an abandoned road led out to a nice small lake where we saw our last herps of the weekend. Turtles were basking in the sunlight on the large logs that were near the shoreline.
Butterflies were out enjoying the fall wildflowers as we packed back into the car and headed home. This question mark caught my eye.  They are quite spectacular and fairly common in North America.
Question Mark Butterfly (Polygonia interrogationis)

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