Wednesday 16 November 2016

Introducing the Triple Threat Road Trip

Previously I introduced the road trip I am doing across the United States with two friends in a camper van (named Quicksilver) but I failed to introduce the people who are going with me. So to introduce the crew for the Triple Threat Trip!!

Firstly, Quicksilver the van that we could not go without! I say that very literally... we really couldn’t do a road trip without this very important factor. We will try to be good to her and hopefully we don’t run her into the ground.

Now for the other lovely ladies on the trip:

Beka, Brooke and I all grew up in the same small town outside of Ottawa. We all have moved around across Canada and have often lived far apart for years on end but have remained friends despite this. All of us just finished degrees at University and are coming from different places in Canada for this trip. Currently, Beka is in Ottawa after finishing her degree in criminology at Ottawa U. Brooke just returned from living in Newfoundland for University at Memorial and taking anthropology. So we have east we have central and I am the one from the west. I currently am based out of the friendly but freezing Winnipeg, Manitoba. So YEAH it’s going to be nice to miss a bit of winter!

Beka Brooke and I before leaving
 Beka is very interested in the alternative living aspects of the upcoming trends like tiny houses. She is vegetarian so our meals (which will also get posted on here as recipes for campers and travelers that are on a budget!) will be likely vegetarian for the most part with Brooke and I splurging every so often. 
We all share an interest in art and culture but Brooke is especially talented at music so likely we (mostly she) will be busking for some extra gas money along the way. Beka and I will likely find some other artsy ways to raise some money along the road that we can set up while Brooke plays here amazing jams. So far our best idea has been doing henna tattoos for money. That is kinda a hippie thing you expect from people living in a van right?  

Anyways I’ll keep you posted on how these ideas go and if it’s actually possible to make some money while on the road like this. If you have any other genius ideas for us feel free to let us know! 

I’m sure you’ll get to know a lot about these ladies as the trip goes on so I won’t spoil too much of that just yet.

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