Thursday 24 November 2016

Recipes From The Road – Vinaigrette Pasta Salad

So basically cooking on the road is a lot of tossing together whatever you have at the time, generally including a lot of canned food. Once in a while you get to enjoy a fantastic meal with fresh food so good that it is worth sharing the recipe. Don’t blame me if you don’t find it as awesome because anything tastes fantastic when you’re hungry.

1 can of chick peas (Garbonzo beans)
1 can of corn
½ of a cucumber chopped
½ of a bell pepper chopped
¼ onion chopped
½ package of rotini pasta cooked and cooled
Grapeseed oil (to taste, we probably used a few tbsps)
Balsamic vinegar (to taste, we probably used a few tbsps)
Sprinkle on some Italian seasoning, basil and black pepper

Mix all of that together and you get a very delicious and easy to make pasta salad that gives you a taste of those fresh veggies you are craving.

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