Thursday 26 July 2018

Matsuyama (松山市)

I hitchhiked from Takamatsu to Matsuyama (松山市). It was actually quite easy to get a ride this time because I was not attempting it during rush hour when roads are busy and cars can't stop. After about 10-20 minutes of waiting I first got a ride from Ritsurin Garden area to a spot closer to the highway going to Matsuyama. He wasn't going all the way but even this little step helped a lot and from there I got a ride within a minute by someone going all the way to Matsuyama. They dropped me off right at the castle in the middle of the city. 

I was visiting Matsuyama to see a friend there on a biology conference so I stayed near the castle to be close to Ehime University where the conference was being held. Despite already visiting Matsuyama I still enjoyed sight seeing again. I just wandered around my first day and ended up at the Dogo Onsen Main Building (道後温泉本館).
Dogo Onsen Main Building (道後温泉本館)
Dogo Onsen Main Building (道後温泉本館)
Dogo Onsen Main Building (道後温泉本館)
 The area around Dogo Onsen has many restaurants that serve local beer including one right beside the onsen so you can have a drink after your bath.
I found the free foot bath - Hojoen (放生園) just outside the shopping area close to Dogo Onsen. It was really hot water but it was still nice to soak in it for a while under an umbrella and relax. 
Hojoen (放生園)
Hojoen (放生園)
Dogo Park (道後公園) is a mix of historic site and city park. It is a lovely park with manicured gardens, but it is also the previous site of a very old castle and you can still see the remains of the moat and the mounds they created from digging it. There are signs in multiple languages that explain what you are looking at to make it more interesting and they talk about both what it was and about the excavation process and what they found. 
Dogo Park (道後公園)
Dogo Park (道後公園)
Dogo Park (道後公園)
Dogo Park (道後公園)
Dogo Park (道後公園)
The park has a lookout tower at the highest point and it has a very nice view of the city. Again I wish I had thought to visit it at night since the city lights would have been quite a sight.
Dogo Park (道後公園)
Dogo Park (道後公園)
Okaido (大街道) is a long shopping street with a covered area as well. When I visited here I was mostly just enjoying the shade and window shopping to see Japanese clothing styles. I still do not think they suit me very well but they really do look lovely on Japanese women. In Okaido there are also shops where you can buy or rent kimono or yukata (summer cotton kimono).  I went into a lovely shop that sold kimono just to look around and possibly buy a kimono jacket since these silk jackets are very comfortable and you can probably still wear them on a regular basis even in another country without looking to odd. Real kimonos are incredibly beautiful and I did try a few on just because they were so gorgeous. If you can't imagine buying one I would at least try a place that rents one just to experience walking around for a bit in Japanese dress for one of the festivals.
Japanese Kimono with Japamese Camelia design dyed silk with embroided edges
Japanese Kimono with Japamese Camelia design dyed silk with embroided edges

Japanese Kimono Shop in Okaido, Matsuyama - ひとむかし

Japanese Kimono Shop in Okaido, Matsuyama -ひとむかし

Matsuyama Castle (松山城) sits atop a large hill in the center of the city and as well as being a nice castle with a museum the view of the surrounding city is very nice. I visited during the day to hike some of the dirt trails through the forest but there was some landslide damage blocking a few of the trails. I did get to see a Narcissus Flycatcher (Ficedula narcissina, which was a new species for me in Japan and quite pretty. 
Matsuyama Castle (松山城)
Matsuyama Castle (松山城)
Matsuyama Castle (松山城)
Matsuyama Castle (松山城)
Matsuyama Castle (松山城)
Matsuyama Castle (松山城)
Matsuyama Castle (松山城)
Matsuyama Castle (松山城)

Matsuyama Castle (松山城) is a nice place to view sunset but the cloudy weather meant it wasn't a great sunset. The crows were coming in to roost all over the castle and flocked in amazing numbers. 
Matsuyama Castle (松山城)

Matsuyama Castle (松山城)

Sunset from Matsuyama Castle (松山城)

Sunset from Matsuyama Castle (松山城)

Sunset from Matsuyama Castle (松山城)
Sunset from Matsuyama Castle (松山城)
 Despite the disappointing sunset they were having a Summer Light Festival with statues created from light wires. Although they were incredibly random figures they were still quite interesting and seeing the castle lit up at night was beautiful. 
Summer Light Festival at Matsuyama Castle (松山城)
Summer Light Festival at Matsuyama Castle (松山城)
Summer Light Festival at Matsuyama Castle (松山城)
Summer Light Festival at Matsuyama Castle (松山城)
There were dinosaurs, whales, air balloons, unicorns, dragons, oranges, arches and flowers as well as many of the tree trunks being covered in lights.

Summer Light Festival at Matsuyama Castle (松山城)
Summer Light Festival at Matsuyama Castle (松山城)
Summer Light Festival at Matsuyama Castle (松山城)
Even on a normal day the castle is lit up at night and looks very nice against a cloudy background at night.
Matsuyama Castle (松山城)
Matsuyama Castle (松山城)
Matsuyama Castle (松山城)
Matsuyama Castle (松山城)

At night when it cools down the insects come out around the castle grounds and many of them specifically find old oak trees and eat the sap. The most noticable are the Rhinoceros Beetle. These large beetles are famous in Japan and are frequently kept as pets. The males have large horns for fighting and the females don't.
Male and FemaleRhinoceros Beetle
Rhinoceros Beetle
Rhinoceros Beetle
 Stag Beetles also have large pinchers that the females lack but most of these that we found were a lot smaller in size than the Rhinoceros Beetles.
Stag Beetle
Male and Female Stag Beetle
We also found a young bat that had potentially fallen of it's mother or was learning to fly. It was on the road but we managed to get it safely to a tree.

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