Sunday 15 July 2018

Tosashimizu (土佐清水市), Japan

Shimanto River is the longest river on Shikoku Island, Japan and is said to be one of the most beautiful. On our way to Tosashimizu and Oki Beach we stopped along the river near Shimanto City. Here the river is very large and wide with turquoise blue waters rather than the crystal clear blue you see in rivers further up in the mountains.
Shimanto River near Shimanto City
Oki Beach (大岐海岸) is a fairly large beach by Japanese standards and it actually is a natural beach unlike some of the man made beaches you can see in cities like Osaka and Takamatsu. The water is lovely, warm and quite clear. Oki beach is very popular for surfing, however it was incredibly calm the day we visited so there weren't any large waves to watch people surf on. 
Oki Beach (大岐海岸)
 Snorkeling here is actually fairly good along the rocky edges of the beach such as in the image above. I saw over 10 species of fish in just a short while and that included a school of young puffer fish (possibly Diodon holocanthus), a species of Cottida, butterfly fish, tang, small blotchy fish and a few species of larger silver fish in schools (possibly chub). I of course forgot my underwater camera but I expect I will return to Oki beach for a nice relaxing weekend on the beach. 
Oki Beach (大岐海岸)
Oki Beach (大岐海岸)
Oki Beach (大岐海岸)
 There are two fairly large parking lots and some areas where you can camp along a small river letting out into the ocean.
Oki Beach (大岐海岸)
Oki Beach (大岐海岸)
Cafe 69 Log is a very small cafe down a hill toward a port. There is only one person working there and limited seating so if you go in a large group it can take a while but the food is very good. It was a lovely place to have breakfast before heading to the aquarium.

Ashizuri Underwater Aquarium (足摺海底館) is on a small peninsula within a bay created by a larger peninsula. The aquarium is a viewing deck that looks out into the ocean with windows above and below the water surface. I was told they attract fish by feeding them.
Ashizuri Underwater Aquarium (足摺海底館)
Ashizuri Underwater Aquarium (足摺海底館)
Ashizuri Underwater Aquarium (足摺海底館)
Ashizuri Underwater Aquarium (足摺海底館)
 There was a fair amount of wildlife along the coast if you just walk from one beach on the inner cove and around the peninsula. You can see many crabs, sea roaches, birds including many Black-eared Kites and this gorgeous black and green butterfly (Graphium sarpedon ssp. nipponum).
Black-eared Kites frequent the coastline in Japan
Graphium sarpedon ssp. nipponum
The snorkeling by the aquarium is a bit better than Oki beach mostly because of the deeper water, rocky surface and spots of coral or anemone. There were the same species I saw at Oki beach along with Blue chromis (Chromis cyanea), Moorish idol (Zanclus cornutus) and the largest rainbow parrotfish I have ever seen. The pufferfish here were also huge.
Ashizuri Underwater Aquarium (足摺海底館)
Kongofuku Temple (金剛福寺) is a Chisan Shingon temple and Temple 38 on the Shikoku 88 temple pilgrimage. The temple is located in a beautiful area on the tip of the Ashizuri Peninsula. The deity that is worshiped at this temple is Sahasra-bhuja, or Senju Kannon Bosatsu in Japanese.
38 Kongofuku Temple (金剛福寺)

38 Kongofuku Temple (金剛福寺)
 There are many turtle statues among the rocks and pines decorating the temple grounds.A large central pool creates a calm reflective surface and really beautifies the temple grounds. So far this was my favorite temple but I know that I keep saying that because they are always so interesting to visit.
38 Kongofuku Temple (金剛福寺)
38 Kongofuku Temple (金剛福寺)
38 Kongofuku Temple (金剛福寺)
 Cape Ashizuri Lighthouse (足摺岬灯台) is a short walk from the temple along some paths. The paths are quite close to the edge of the cliff but only in a view places can you see a decent view unless you get to one of the lookout points. 
Cape Ashizuri Lighthouse (足摺岬灯台)
Cape Ashizuri Lighthouse (足摺岬灯台)

 Just down the street from the temple is a free foot bath with a lovely view and a trail down to Hakusan Sea Cave (白山洞門). I would recommend enjoying the foot bath after the sea cave. We went to the bath first and then experienced the steep down and up of going to the sea cave in the hot weather.  The cave is very large and at low tide you can see straight through it as more of a large tunnel than an actual cave. It is definitely an interesting rock formation and I still think the view from the foot bath was one of the nicest but really didn't do the scale justice.
 Hakusan Sea Cave (白山洞門) is on the very left
 Hakusan Sea Cave (白山洞門) is on the right

 Hakusan Sea Cave (白山洞門)

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