Saturday 13 October 2018

Hiroshima, Japan

Okonomimura (Naka) is a four story building full of small okonimiyaki restaurants. Each restaurant can fit about 10-20 people.
Okonomimura (Naka)
Okonomimura (Naka)
 They prepare the food on a large metal grill right in front of you while you sit on bar stools. Okonomikyai is called Japanese pizza or Japanese omelet but is really not like either. It is a thin layer of crepe with noodles, pork, veggies and then a cracked egg on top of it. They top it off with sauce and mayonnaise with green onions or sesame seeds.
Okonomimura (Naka)
Okonomimura (Naka)
Okonomimura (Naka)
Okonomimura (Naka)
Okonomimura (Naka)
Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park (平和記念公園)  is in memory of the victims of the nuclear attack on August 6, 1945 from the U.S. dropping the atomic bomb on the city.  The park was built on the open field of a destruction zone created by the bombing that was previously a dense part of the city.
Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park (平和記念公園)
 The park is full of various memorials and statues as well as the peace memorial museum. The manicured lawn and trees are home to many birds such as Japanese Woodpecker, Pygmy Woodpecker, White-cheeked Stalrings, Crows and others.
Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park (平和記念公園), Children's Peace Monument
Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park (平和記念公園)
At night they light up some of the monuments in the park and you can still walk around the park.
Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park (平和記念公園)
Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park (平和記念公園)
Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park (平和記念公園)
Genbaku Dome-mae (Atomic Bomb Dome) (原爆ドーム前) was previously Hiroshima's Prefectural Industrial Promotion Hall and is one of the few buildings to remain standing after the bombing. It is now one of the memorials in the park and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Genbaku Dome-mae (Atomic Bomb Dome) (原爆ドーム前)
Genbaku Dome-mae (Atomic Bomb Dome) (原爆ドーム前)
Genbaku Dome-mae (Atomic Bomb Dome) (原爆ドーム前)
Genbaku Dome-mae (Atomic Bomb Dome) (原爆ドーム前)
At night the dome is lit up and reflections over the river are very serene.
Genbaku Dome-mae (Atomic Bomb Dome) (原爆ドーム前)
Genbaku Dome-mae (Atomic Bomb Dome) (原爆ドーム前)
Genbaku Dome-mae (Atomic Bomb Dome) (原爆ドーム前)
Genbaku Dome-mae (Atomic Bomb Dome) (原爆ドーム前)

Hiroshima Castle (広島城) is in the center of the city and surrounded by a moat. The castle was destroyed during the bombing but rebuilt by private funding.
Hiroshima Castle (広島城)
 An ancient willow tree at the entrance to the castle survived the atomic bomb explosion.
Ancient willow tree at Hiroshima Castle that survived the atomic bomb
 Hiroshima Gokoku Shrine (広島護國神社) is in the castle grounds. The day we visited it was busy with a wedding ceremony.
 Hiroshima Gokoku Shrine (広島護國神社)
 Hiroshima Gokoku Shrine (広島護國神社)
 Hiroshima Gokoku Shrine (広島護國神社)
 The castle sits on the highest point and has a view of the city from the tallest level. The castle is a museum with many swords and history of samurai and the castle.
Hiroshima Castle (広島城)
Hiroshima Castle (広島城)
 The relics in the castle vary from samurai artifacts, swords, war artifacts, to clothing and carriages for lords. There is a lot of information about the war and the restoration of the castle as well.
Hiroshima Castle (広島城)
Hiroshima Castle (広島城)
Hiroshima Castle (広島城), carriage for lords or nobility.

Hiroshima Castle (広島城)
 The view from the top lets you see 360 degrees around the
Hiroshima Castle (広島城)
 You can get dressed up as a samurai and pose with the castle as a background.
Hiroshima Castle (広島城)
 The castle grounds have a lot of vegetation and a herd of birders, YES a herd of BIRDERS with huge telephoto lenses and binoculars were stalking a small bird. It is difficult to identify since all of the bush warblers in Japan look so similar but I would guess that it is a rarity in the city and just migrating through based on the sheer number of people looking at it.

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