Saturday 15 December 2018

Kochi Castle TeamLab

After visiting Tokyo TeamLab and hearing they had an exhibition at Kochi Castle we stopped in to see the lit up castle and visit the city before leaving Japan.
Kochi Castle TeamLab
Kochi Castle TeamLab
Kochi Castle TeamLab
Kochi Castle TeamLab
The exhibit was much similar than the one in Tokyo but had some of the same elements to it. The eggs and lit up trees changing colour over the castle grounds was one of the main focus points of the Kochi display. It was nice seeing the colouful eggs and trees spread out in an open area and I much preferred this to the egg display in Tokyo.
Kochi Castle TeamLab
Kochi Castle TeamLab
Kochi Castle TeamLab
Kochi Castle TeamLab
Kochi Castle TeamLab
Kochi Castle TeamLab
Kochi Castle TeamLab
Kochi Castle TeamLab
Kochi Castle TeamLab
Kochi Castle TeamLab
Kochi Castle TeamLab
Kochi Castle TeamLab
Kochi Castle TeamLab
Kochi Castle TeamLab
Kochi Castle TeamLab
Kochi Castle TeamLab
Kochi Castle TeamLab
Kochi Castle TeamLab
Kochi Castle TeamLab
Kochi Castle TeamLab
Kochi Castle TeamLab view from the Castle Keep
Kochi Castle TeamLab
Kochi Castle TeamLab
Smaller exhibits inside the castle included golden waves and an interactive room where kids could colour.
Kochi Castle TeamLab
Kochi Castle TeamLab
Kochi Castle TeamLab
Kochi Castle TeamLab

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