Saturday 5 January 2019

Bogota, Colombia

We had a 3pm flight out of Toronto to Bogotá. We were supposed to arrive at 9pm, That flight ended up getting delayed so that we didn’t arrive until 1am. Hurray for Air Canada...That made us miss our shuttle so we had to pay for a taxi to our hotel that was only a few minutes away.

The next morning I had really wanted to wake up early and go birding at the botanical garden but with our late arrival and lack of sleep that plan was shot in the foot. We just got up and had the free breakfast at City Express Plus. The food wasn't that great but it was enough to get us up and on the road... well back to the airport down the street that is.

As I was waiting for the airport shuttle for our flight to Santa Marta I did snag my first birds of the year and the first of the trip in a few trees and shrubs across the road from the hotel. They were simply Eared Dove and Glossy Black Thrush but it was nice to watch them go about the morning business.

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