White admirals and mourning cloaks greeted me as the admirals were seen flying around the road to the cookhouse and Mourning cloaks were sunning on the road and drinking water from the puddles.
Walk to the waterfall |
We went to the waterfall again and spent a few hours enjoying the sun and our last full day in Algonquin.
I checked my carrion beetle trap one last time and found three species of Necraphorus and a rove beetle.
Before leaving the park I went for a walk on the lookout trail. There was a lot of interesting plants in a mix of coniferous and deciduous forest. False and true solomons seal were common understory plants.
Eryn and Karl |
We celebrated the end of a great field course and gave gifts to those at the WRS.
Booze run |
There was a lot more dancing, salsa and a fire.
Only occasionally did things get out of hand |
Before leaving the park the next day I went for a walk along Lookout Trail. There were many wildflowers with berries including false and true solomons seal. The forest was mostly deciduous but then became gradually more conifers as you got higher up into the more rocky areas.
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