Tuesday 17 January 2012

Huatuclo, Mexico

Some people have a 'big year' as trying to see as many birds as they can in their area or trying to get as many new species as they can. For me, my big year is trying to see as many new places as I can and to finally live outside of the country. I am on the verge of graduating University and want to get out and see the world. I also am a amateur photographer so hopefully I will have enough to entertain at least someone on the internet. This blog however is mostly for myself so I can keep track of lists and pictures from my travels.

Most recently, I went to Huatuclo, Mexico for a week. I stayed at Las Brisas and did a few day trips to Copalita and into the mountains.

I went birding often but regrettably didn't have much chance to find any reptiles and amphibians.

Birds I saw:
White-throated magpie jay

Orange-breasted bunting
Magnificent frigatebird
Black vulture
Turkey vulture
Plain chachalaca
White-winged dove
Russet crowned mot mot
Greater kiskadee
Rufous naped wren
Hooded oriole ? (above)
Grey cheeked robin

Ash-throated flycatcher (and a few other species too)
Golden cheeked woodpecker

Yellow-winged caique
Orange fronted parakeet
White fronted parrot

 Scissor tailed flycatcher
Green kingfisher
Ringed kingfisher
Citreoline trogon
Streak backed oriole
White-lored gnatcatcher

Pale billed woodpecker
Spotted sandpiper (Thank you Josh for telling me they have no spots in the Winter)
Unknown hummingbird
Scrub euphonia?
Summer tanager

Other wildlife:
Many many bats of unknown species
One pretty cool spider
Hawksbill sea turtle
Many tropical fish that I haven't identified yet

Many lizards

** This list will get added onto when I finally ID a few more things. But for now, Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Sweet shots, Pauline. Your sandpiper is a Spotted Sandpiper! They don't have spots in the winter.
