Thursday 14 February 2013


This morning after the basic complimentary breakfast I was stretching in the garden trying to get out all the kinks and pains from sitting on so many buses and planes the day before. While stretching I was able to watch a Sparkling Violetear feeding on a large trellis of fuchsias. It wasn't bothered by me as all and the Andean Slaty-thrush also wandered around the garden while I watched and stretched.
Sparkling Violetear
Sparkling Violetear
Orchids have always been my favorite flowers and going to Ecuadors largest orchid business was definitely a must do on this trip. The business has two locations in Ecuador. The one in Cuenca for growing the high elevation/ cold loving orchids and one at lower elevation by the coast for the warm loving species. The property in Cuenca had over 10 large greenhouses, a pool and a suspension bridge over the river. To get there we took the local Santa Barbra bus for $1.30 from the Terrestrial bus station and the driver even dropped us at the front door after we asked.

It is very common for tourists to visit Ecuagenera and you can pay to have a tour of the property. Since timing worked out for the Montreal orchid show we managed to buy orchids and have the brought to Montreal for pick up in March without needing our own permits. If you buy from them like this then you can get them to waive the tour fees (but don't expect your flowers to arrive potted or with any flowers on them as they usually need to get rid of any soil and the flowers usually fall off in transit). This wonderful fragrant Stanhopea is by far our best buy that we found that day.
Stanhopea Orchid

Back in town for the afternoon we saw the true celebration of valentines day. Ecuador is one of the main places where roses are grown and the streets were full of vendors with roses and valentines gifts. Restaurants were packed and there was a long wait to get any food for lunch or dinner.

Stores in Ecuador are for the most part owned by the person working in them and you can even barter in the store. I fell in love with Ecuador wools and pretty much all the souvenirs I got were scarfs and sweaters.

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