Sunday 3 February 2013


I am off on another journey this time further south than I have ever been before. I am going o Ecuador for three weeks. The plan is to fly into Quito to stay there for a night. After that we will be heading straight to Mindo where we hope to spend a few days looking for anything  and everything. A few days is hardly enough for a place so many people have recommended but I will do what I can with it.

I am still indecisive about if I should stay at a field station or a eco-lodge when visiting the amazon. The Napo River is not something I am willing to miss on this trip so I guess I will do whatever is the best option to get me in there for as long as possible to the best areas possible.

After that I hope to head down to Cuenca to visit one of most beautiful and historic cities in Ecuador and to visit the national park nearby.

I will be heading back to Quito at the end of February. I hope to find a decent day tour of Cotopaxi National Park. This park includes the worlds tallest volcano. I am not too interesting in scaling the entire volcano but I have heard it has some amazing birds to see in the park and even the lower areas will be interesting. The disappointing thing is that for foreigners it is only accessible with a tour guide.

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