Friday 19 August 2011

Field Course Algonquin Park- Day 5

View bellow the dam at WRS
I keep seeing garter snakes in the bogs. Today I saw them at Bat Lake and Spruce bog. These are somewhat an interesting colour of garter snake though. They dont have the black and yellow but are more variable in colouration.
Spores typical of Northern Beech Ferns

Doing some field work

Three Necrophorus sp. of carrion beetles
I found three carrion beetles (N. tomentosus) on dead rodents near the small mammal lab and set up a trap for carrion beetles nearby.
Today we started our fieldwork on Broadwing Lake, Bat Lake and Spruce bog. Our experiment is testing prey capture by pitcher plants in the middle and on the edge of the bogs.
Patrick with a female painted turtle called stumpy for her injured legs

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