Monday 15 August 2011

Field Course Algonquin Park- Day 1

 A week in Algonquin Provincial Park doesn't sound too bad in terms of school does it? Well I would say that this field course felt more like a vacation than work.I drove up by myself from Ottawa. It was a very long but relaxing and nice ride. I arrive in Algonquin and I'm getting more and more excited. There are moose signs lining the many winding curves of the highway 60 corridor. I pull into the Wildlife Research Station and this dirt road takes me to my home for the next two weeks.

Our first day in Algonquin we took a walk in the airfield.
It's blueberry season and the airfield is filled with tasty treats

Catching insects in the airfield. Little did I know at this point that I would spend a lot of the week catching insects for a project. On this first walk through the airfield I found a gorgeous metallic dogbane beetle.I also saw cicadas, white admirals, dragonflies and grasshoppers.

Some fungi...

 There were many caterpillars crawling around. 
Tussocks moth caterpillar
 We went canoeing around Lake Saskegewan that the WRS is located on.
Sarah canoeing
While canoeing we saw osprey, great blue herons, loons. The shallow lake was filled with dead trees, pondweed, water shield and sedges.

At the Dam that evening I saw many darners catching insects as they fly around.

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