Tuesday 23 August 2011

Field Course Algonquin Park- Day 9

Today we went to the waterfall past the airfield. There were dragonflies patrolling up and down the river as we sat in the cold pools of water.
Above the falls

Bellow the falls there is a nice little pool to sit in

Growing on a dead fallen down tree

There were variable darners, canada darners, damselflies and water striders out near canoe beach today.

There were more necrophorus found in the carrion beetles trap today. I walked the Chit Lake Trail but it was still quite damp and there were no insects around by flipping logs and other things.  There was a lot of life on these dead trees and many mushrooms and other things were growing out from the bark

That night the group of us went out for a wolf howl. We didn't get to hear any wolves but I caught two crane flies that were attracted to the lights in the cars.

A light trap set up at the WRS caught a black beetle and two moth species.

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