Wednesday 22 February 2012

Jamaica- Morning Day 5

Today I woke up as the sun was just turning the sky orange before it rises (6am) and walked down to the river in Negril. Through the little fishing village on the banks there is a path that goes along the river. I walk down this further than I did the day before with Hesran. The path I am walking along is mostly scrub forest with some patches of sedge. There are occasionally some mimosa (sensitive) plants along the way. I see a lot of new birds today too.

Fishing boats
List for the morning:
Great blue heron
 Brown pelicans
Brown pelicans in the morning mist

Little blue heron
Yellow-crowned night heron
Common yellowthroat
Cape may warbler
White-crowned pigeon
Ground dove
Brown pelican



Magnolia warbler

Possibly a Wood thrush
Wood thrush
Black and white warbler
Black and white warbler
Jamaican woodpecker
Jamaican woodpecker
White eyed vireo

White eyed vireo
Black-throated green warbler
Female black throated green warbler?

There were a few white eyed vireos that came pretty close when I tried 'psh'ing.
White-eyed vireo

White-fronted pigeon

White fronted pigeon
Yellow billed cacique? Hard to tell so far away
Yellow billed cacique?
American redstart
Female American redstart
Juv common yellowthroat
Juvenile common yellow throated warbler
Northern parula
Common moorhen
Great Egret
Great egret
Cattle egret

unknown parrots
Blue winged teal
Blue-winged teal
Some interesting plants on the walk were 'flame trees' (Unofficial common name) and sensitive plant (Mimosa) which closes up when you touch it. A very cool plant and one that I always love finding.
Sensitive plant (Mimosa)
'Flame tree'

The sunrise and the birds are always worth waking up early in the morning. The pictures don't even do it justice really. Combined with the sweet smell of flowers, warmth of the rising sun and the sounds of birds.... The tropics are my paradise.

Sunrise over the river in Negril

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