Sunday 3 June 2012

My Road Trip

As I pack I realize I am about to venture on an amazing journey... I am heading to Halifax for the weekend to visit a few long time friends. After this I need to make my way to Long Point Provincial Park to start work next week.

I plan to do this trip in three days. Sunday I will leave later in the evening and drive towards Trois-Pistoles. I will sleep here and the next morning have my last breakfast with the host family that has been so nice to me these last two weeks and with my friends who I am sadly leaving behind.   I will then venture to Rimouski and take the ferry across the St. Lawrence to Forestville for a visit to Parc National de Saguenay. I hope to get here fairly early in the morning for a few hours of birding and exploring. I will then travel back down through Quebec city towards Montreal and stop for the night in Ottawa to pack what I will need for the next few months at Long Point. The next day I venture to Long point with a stop in Peterborough to visit family before heading further South. I will arrive in Long Point on Wed and start work the Thursday. Busy day with lots of traveling. There will be lots to see I'm sure.

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