Monday 4 June 2012

23 Hours and Just a Little Bit of Caffine Later

I made it through alive and not overly tired. I'm glad I broke it into a few days of a trip and didn't try too much at once. I did notice a funny difference about the Maritimes and Quebec compared to Ontario... Out east they have higher speed limits on all of their roads but most people don't speed much. In Ontario we have low speed limits but people are more constantly speeding.  I miss the high speed limits...

 On the ride there weren't many highlights.I made it to Ottawa in good time but didn't bother to stop in the national park because the weather wasn't the greatest for a walk. It was cloudy, windy with occasional rain.

Stopped at exit 439 (La Ppcatiere) in Quebec heading west on the 20 to have a break and eat. This ended up being a really nice place and where I think you could possibly find a yellow rail. I did hear a few common yellow throats and other things but not much of interest and I was only there for 10 minutes.

Over the course of the drive to Ottawa I saw many starlings, red-winged blackbirds, turkey vultures, a sharp shinned hawk, great blue herons, American robins and American crows.

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