Saturday 5 May 2012

Jamaica Day 6: YS Falls

We were the first to arrive at YS Falls today. The falls were flowing strong and the water was brown because of all of the rain the day before. This meant that they gave us $3 off the entrance fee which made it $13 instead of $16. I don't mind the water being brown but I guess people had complained before so they warn you automatically and give you a discount so you can't really say much.

The falls

Flowers on vines hanging from the falls
 As we climbed the staircase to the top of the falls there were a lot of anoles on the rocks and trees.  Near the top of the falls we got a look at a broad-winged hawk flying over.

 Bellow the falls we saw many hummingbirds including: red-billed streamertails and ruby throated. These were going to bromeliads, poor man's orchid treest and heliconias.  The trees were litered with mockingbirds and kingbirds. Two Jamaican woodpeckers were seen in the tree beside the spring water pool. Parrots flew over.

Very large snail

As always the falls is a beautiful place where I had a ton of fun. Even kept swimming when it started to storm again in the afternoon.

On our ride home we stopped at the family farm  were we saw nesting loggerhead kingbirds, jamaican woodpeckers and white-chinned thrush. There were also jamaican mangos, banannaquit and a small greyish bird. All of the fruit is coming into season and naseberries breadfruit and mangos were some of the many things we brought home. Naseberries are very sweet fruits about the size of  a kiwi and they have black seeds inside. I HIGHLY discourage trying to eat them before they are ready. The unripe fruit is VERY bitter and sticky. The taste stays in your mouth and  your mouth ends up sticking to itself. Very unpleasant!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful pics.
