Monday 14 May 2012


After a very exciting road trip from Ottawa to Trois-Pistoles where we (Brooke, Beka, Karmen and I)  got lost in Montreal due to our exit being closed (they cover the street names so we had no idea we had passed it even), small car problems (the protective sheet metal dragging on the ground as we drive through downtown Montreal) which were solved with a smile at Canadian Tire. Being so late due to all this mess in Montreal meant that I wasn't able to stop and take pictures on our drive up. There was a lot of beautiful scenery along Hwy 20 after Montreal. Gulls were flocking in the 100's and flying in intricate spirals.

I met my host family and we are staying in a basement apartment of a very nice house with an older couple. The house is about 20 minute bike away from Trois-Pistoles. The host family has a cottage nearby and I am excited to go birding there soon. There are a lot of bird around here. I heard them calling this morning when I went for a short walk.

I wish I had come early. The urge to explore is killing me. This is ironic because the name of the program I am in is explore. The truth is I am a bit worried about them having everything planned for us and not having enough free time to see the area well.

As I struggle to learn this overwhelming language I will try to get out and see the wildlife that this area has to offer.

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