Thursday 24 May 2012

First Herp in Trois-Pistoles!

It had been raining for the past few days and overnight. The dew still clung to the grass and puddles were slowly evaporating in the days sun. I excitedly rushed out of class and walked towards the house where I eat lunch wondering what would be in store for us that day.  Wait what was that... on the sidewalk?! Someone on their bike almost hits me as I stop dead in my tracks. This little two-lined salamander was lucky today. It was stepped on but luckily not squished. A piece of his tail was stuck to the pavement and he was drying out in the sun. He was still alive and after I carefully separated him from the sidewalk and dumped some water on him he got more active.
Northern two-lined Salamander (Eurycea bislineata)
I found a small creek near the school and left the salamander in this quiet place in the hopes that he would be alright.

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