Thursday 5 April 2018

Iya Valley, Japan

Happy Raft is at
Happy Raft
Rafting was fun and full of amazing scenery. The rapids we went down weren't extremely challenging but apparently the harder ones you only get to if you do the full day tour rather than the half day tour as we did. The waters are cold, clear and blue, alternating between rapids and calm pools. It provides a nice balance between just floating down the river while watching the scenery and enjoying the adventure of the rapids.
Three people in a ducky at Happy Raft
View of the river near Happy Raft
Bridge to nowhere along highway 32 in Iya Valley. This goes to a small trail down to the river where a fountain of stairs and possibly a building had been washed away. Possibly a trail previously went up the mountain but it appears to be overgrown now. The bridge is still in good shape and has a nice view of the river.

Bridge to nowkere in Iya Valley, Japan
 Flora in Japan appears to be similar to the genera we have in Canada. Finding this very cool species of Arisaema near the bridge to nowhere was a treat.
We stopped at a small Onsen (Japanese bath house) on the way at . It was only 510JY entry fee. The girls and boys bath houses are separate. The change rooms with lockers lead to an area where you can wash yourself before entering the hot bath. The bath is shallow and has minerals that make it have a smooth feel and your skin ends up soft. Most onsens are in closed off rooms but this one had a view over the river through a large window.
Matsuogawa Onsen

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