Monday 2 April 2018

Nishigawa Flower Park (西川 花公園), Kochi Prefecture, Japan

A bike ride to Nishigawa Flower Park (西川 花公園) was very scenic including mountains and rice fields with scenic Japanese style houses.
Countryside of Kochi Prefecture

 Nisigawa Flower Park is set in a small valley with fields. It is across from Kunshikata Shrine (君子方神社). The sakura trees are growing up a small hill with mustard (Brassica rapa) fields underneath. It creates a very picturesque view with the trails and mountains.

Nishigawa Flower Park
Nishigawa Flower Park

Nishigawa Flower Park

Xylocopa appendiculata ssp. circumvolans at Nishigawa Flower Park
The park was buzzing with pollinators including many honeybees and a very large species of bee - Xylocopa appendiculata ssp. circumvolans.
Nishigawa Flower Park

Nishigawa Flower Park
Nishigawa Flower Park
As well as gorgeous sakura trees many other small wildflowers growing underneath.  Many of these I expect are common weeds but when you aren't used to seeing them they can be quite interesting. 

Purple Crown Vetch  (Securigera varia)


Spring is here and treefrogs are calling, newts are in the small ponds of water and skinks are climbing over the sunny surfaces of rock face.
Japanese Treefrog (Hyla japonica)

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