Thursday 19 April 2018

Muronto Cape

The way to Muronto Cape is scenic when you get to the coastline. The closer you get to the cape the more you see scenic views of beaches and rocky areas but these are spaced out with seawalls and breakers, which I admit look quite stark and unappealing in contrast to the more natural areas.
Shrine along highway 55 towards Muronto Cape
Muronto Cape
The viewpoint at
Black-eared Kite viewed from lookout point at Muronto Cape

Muronto Cape
The lighthouse isn't much to talk about but it has closer up views of the cape.
Lighthouse at Muronto Cape
The Hotsumisaki Temple is just above the lighthouse. It is one of my favorites so far on Shikoku. It is set surrounded by an old wooded area with large trees. The temple buildings are simple but with intricate carvings. As part of the pilgrimage, the Hotsumisaki Temple has places to stay overnight.

The temple is also home to a lot of wildlife and I was able to see birds and a skink on the temple grounds.
Hotsumisaki Temple

Hotsumisaki Temple

Hotsumisaki Temple
Skink at Hotsumisaki Temple

William very much enjoyed the chance to ring a big bell that echoed though the hills. It sounds lovely and is the exact sound I pictured hearing at the temple.
Hotsumisaki Temple
The coastline is rocky with large formations and an area of thicket vegetation occurring as the area sloped up inland. The vegetation was quite interesting with some recognizable genera and some species that I have never seen before.

There are some trails going along the coast weaving though the thicket vegetation and giving some nice views of the ocean and the rocks. We didn't have to much time so we only did a short loop. It was very very calm the day we went to the cape but I hear that the ocean can be quite fierce at the cape.  I very highly recommend visiting this scenic area and taking the time to visit all of it.

Muronto Cape

Muronto Cape
Japanese Pittosporum (Pittosporum tobira)
Sea Fig (Ficus superba)

Monkey at Muronto Cape
On the way home a detour took us up to a temple in the mountains. The road is winding and you park below the temple and hike up to the temple. The small hike up was nice but we didn't get to the temple until after dark. The temple was very very old and the rocks and statues at the temple had large lichens all over them.

Gate up to temple

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