Sunday 15 April 2018

Walk to the Seashore Along the Monobe River

A walk to where the Monobe River meets the shoreline of the Pacific Ocean at 吉川展望台 is 15 km from the Kochi University of Technology one way. It has nice scenery of the Monobe River along a path/roads going along the river.
Monobe River, Kochi, Japan

Monobe River, Kochi, Japan
 Most of the area is farm fields with some areas for housing. At this time of year they have just been planting the rice and if it wasn't so windy they would have had a nice reflective surface on them with only small sprigs of the grass growing up.
Rice fields in Kochi, Japan
Along the path we found a red-headed centipede. This one was about a foot long! Watching them move is pretty cool and luckily it never felt bothered by us watching it so it didn't move very fast at all. Apparently they have a pretty nasty bite.
 We stopped at an eel restaurant along the way for lunch. Eel pretty much just tastes like fish but they cook it very nicely with some sort of sauce. It is a bit of a delicacy and was more expensive than most restaurants in Japan but still very very reasonable compared to Canada.
Eel restaurant, Kochi, Japan
Small portion of eel
Inside eel restaurant, Kochi, Japan
Closer to the shoreline in the tsunami inundation zone there are large concrete structures every subdivision or so. They almost look like a parking structure but just have a series of ramps going up to the top of a concrete platform.
Tsunami structure, Kochi, Japan
 There is a lookout where the Monobe meets the ocean and the view is quite nice. 
Monobe River, Kochi, Japan

Monobe River, Kochi, Japan
 A fair number of birds were hanging out along the rivers end. Most fascinating was a group of Eastern Buzzards fishing in the river. The water was very high and fish appeared to be collecting in an area where the water was pooling and moving slower.
Eastern Buzzard
Eastern Buzzard
The walk back to campus took a while but it was very beautiful with a gorgeous sunset over the river and the mountains.
Monobe River, Kochi, Japan

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