Saturday 28 April 2012

Another Day at Point Pelee

It is very nice to return to Point Pelee where I got to live and work for four months in 2009. The park holds a lot of memories and it was nice to walk the trails looking for birds once again.

Sleep deprivation caught up with me this morning. I arrived at the tip around 10am and met up with Josh who had been there bright and early yet again. Today we spent a long time at West Beach walking the sanctuary trail. Josh, Chris, Steve Pike

 I saw:

Yellow rumped warbler (50)
Yellow rumped warbler

Palm warbler
Chimney swift
Barn swallow
Tree swallow
Rough winged swallow
Double crested cormorant
Turkey vultures
Great horned owl (3)
Wood ducks (2)
Yellow bellies sapsucker
Downy woodpecker
Downy woodpecker

Blue headed vireo
Hermit thrush (8)
Black and white warbler
Song sparrow
Chipping sparrow
White-throated sparrow
Brown-headed cowbird
Surf scooter
Common loon
Eastern phoebe
Ruby crowned kinglet
Red-winged blackbird
Northern cardinal
Nashville warbler *
Pine warbler*
White-eyed vireo*
Blue-grey gnatcatcher
Blue grey gnatcatcher

Angry bird!

*heard only

Other sightings:
Five lined skink
Dead fox snake
Jack in the pulpit
Giant leopard moth caterpillar

Pensylvanian wood roach
Giant leaopard moth catterpillar

Jack in the pulpit

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