Thursday 26 April 2012

Camping at Wheatly Provincial Park

The past four years of University I have celebrated the end of the school year by going camping with a few friends from Guelph.  We have so far gone to Pinery, Bon Echo, Sandbanks and this year we decided on Wheatly.  All of these parks are amazing places and each year we have had a great time. However, Wheatly posed a new interest being that it is one of the closest places to camp near Point Pelee National Park. This was the draw for me and my friends this spring. We were hoping a few birds might have migrated early due to the warm weather we have had.

On arrival to Weatly we were welcomed to our site in Two-Creeks Campground by the calls and flutters of barn and tree swallows. Every so often carp would splash the water. A belted kingfisher, foresters terns, downy woodpeckers, Canada geese and mallard ducks were also seen in the few hours we had before sunset.

Walking through the park we saw a lot of spring wild flowers that had survived the warm-cold  weather and surprise frosts after days wearing shorts. My two favorites were the trilliums and trout lilies.
Wooly Violet

The cold crept in as the sun set and we huddled around the fire. We were in for a cold weekend!

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