Tuesday 8 January 2019

El Dorado EcoLodge, Colombia

We left Hotel Minca around 10am with a company called Silvana Travels that drives up the dirt road to El Dorado EcoLodge. I wouldn't reccomend driving yourself unless you have 4-wheel drive and a lot of patience for slow driving and letting oncoming traffic pass on a road that is about 1-1.5X a car width. The EcoLodge is up high on the mountain and you take the winding dirt road up for about 2-3 hours to get there.  It's not that far for distance but just the road conditions make it quite slow.
El Dorado EcoLodge, Colombia
El Dorado EcoLodge, Colombia
The ecolodge is very secure with a door that you actually can't open so you have to knock to get let in and basically that means not going out at night at all because there is nobody at the desk past 10pm.
El Dorado EcoLodge, Colombia
But anyways the first impression of the lodge was wonderful. You walk into the wood building and they offer you tea or coffee and since we arrived at lunch we got to sit and eat lunch while we waited a little bit for our room. The view through large windows is a lush green garden and the cabins just before the sloping forest beyond. The garden is full of hummingbird feeders, fruit feeders and seed feeders. This is definitely a place for birds because the garden in swarming with them.
Crowned Woodnymph
Santa Marta Brush-finch
Blue-napped Chlorophonia
Crowned Woodnymph and a bromeliad flower
Brown Violetear
Our first hike was the Quetzal Trail up to the cabins. It is a really nice trail through forest and crossing a few streams. I found a large rock surface with 3 snake skins and some very tiny brown frogs around the streams.
Where the trail opens up into a more scrubby area near the cabins a long thing brown snake with a lighter brown stripe pretty much jumped off in front of me and slithered away before I  could even turn on my camera. Imagine a snake coming straight off that ledge you see to the left of the photo like a bat outta hell. Well I bet it was curled up and enjoying the sunshine before we scared the wits outta it.
El Dorado EcoLodge, Colombia
El Dorado EcoLodge, Colombia

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