Tuesday 8 January 2019

Night at El Dorado EcoLodge and Reserve, Colombia

At night they fed the monkeys just after dinner and shortly after had a night walk just down the road to a small creek. They tried to call in owls with no luck but we did see glass frogs, endemic frogs, endemic tarantulas and a climbing salamander very very deep in a bromeliad. If only we had a bit more rain there might have been even more out.

I believe the many anoles sleeping on leaves were only one species of Anolis sp. but I am not sure what it is yet. I do suspect it is a Solitare Anole (Anolis solitarius).

Pristimantis megalops
Pristimantis sanctaemartae
Pristimantis sanctaemartae

Scinax ruber
Ikakogi tayrona are small bright green glass frogs and sadly I didn't get to see more than one of them.
 Ikakogi tayrona
I only got to see one Bolitoglossa savegei, a species of climbing salamander and it was very very stuck in the nooks of a bromeliad.
Spider scorpions

Kankuamo marquezi is the only species within the Genus and is endemic to the Santa Marta Mountain Range area but it was incredibly abundant around the ecolodge.
Kankuamo marquezi
Kankuamo marquezi

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