Thursday 8 November 2012

Bolita- Day Six

We took a small bus from the supermarkey in Puerto Jimenez to a town called Dos Brazos which is known for nothing other than birdwatching. We left our luggage at the Bolita office across from the police station. Here we saaw a colourful type of rail or sora nearby the small pond in the front yard and squirrels in the palm trees.

We hiked the 730m uphill trail to the cabin. It was a long walk! Upon arriving we found out they were closed but would let us stay there anyways. We chatted a bit and apparently they frequently see the Gofo Dulce Dart Frog in their shower!

Despite accommodations being minimal I was sold! Within a few hours there were Scarlet Macaws and a Chesnut Mandibled Tucan in the tree right beside the house. Green macaws were flying over at the same time.
Scarlet Macaw from Bolita

Our first day there we did a short walk down the Lower Cacique Trail. This short walk we actualy found one of our target species! Two Black and Green Dart Frogs were right off the trail but quickly disappeared into the rainforest leaf litter. We saw two other species of frogs that were brown and unknown species but things really do pull disappearing acts in the thick leaf litter.

After all that walking the pouring thunderstorm was a welcome excuse to stay in bed and not do a night walk. At this point Chris and I have been walking at LEAST 5 hours a day for six days now.

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