Tuesday 20 November 2012

Orchids of Cano Palma - Day 18

It's another rainy day and I'm still quite sick. I spent a lot of time in the station library identifying orchids and herps. I used "Orchids of Costa Rica Vol. 1" by J. Francisco Morales and the J. Savage book on "Reptiles and Amphibians of Costa Rica".

The anole I found in the garden today was fair sized quite photogenic.

Lady of the Night (Brassavola nodosa) - Large white and greenish flower with heart shaped lip, epiphy

Lady of the Night Orchid (Brassavola nodosa)

Epidendrum sp. - Medium sized epiphyte, tall flower stalk, bright orange and yellow flowers

Epidendrum radicans
Epidendrum parkinsonianum- large epiphyte with white and green flowers, white lip is divided into three segments
Epidendrum parkinsonianum

Bamboo Orchid (Arundina graminifolia)- tall ground rooted orchid, flower stalk ends with one pink flower

Trigonidium egertonianum was a common species on the canal and one was blooming in the garden. 
Trigonidium egertonianum
An unknown species of orchid which I only found one of in the yard at the research station. It was a small leaved with tall flower stalk. The flowers were smallish and yellow coloured.
Stelis sp. (Leach Orchid)- micro orchid, epiphyte, raceme with many tiny purplish flowers

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