Wednesday 16 May 2012

Cold, Wet and Birding

Down by the river by the great brown St. Lawrence.... well that doesn't sound appealing but really it is a gorgeous place.  I began my walk at the docks. It was low tide and I could walk really far out along the edge of the water. Without even looking for an easy way to do this I take off my walk straight towards what I am looking at and end up about a foot in mud! I cross a river which cleans me off before I end up in another foot of mud on the other side.
Trois- Pistoles from the docks
I barely notice the cold and wet or the rocks digging into my bare feet. There isn't much wind but a storm is about an hour away and I am hoping that some of the birds that are usually out on the water have come in today.
Annelid of salt water

I was rewarded with a new duck species for my year list- A Northern Shoveler. These ducks were searching for food in tide pools. I watched them for a few minutes as they would extend their necks and bob their heads every so often.
Northern shovelers

Northern shoveler pair

There were many gulls on the rocks near the waters edge. After the cold soaked through to my bones and the storm was quick approaching I walked back towards my car and paused to photographs three white-crowned sparrows.
Pair of white-crowned sparrows

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