Saturday 26 May 2012

Sentier National

After a relaxing morning a group a friends and I went for a walk along the Sentier National (national trail). With beers and lunches packed we biked the five minutes to the closest entrance of the trail which was beside Riviere de Trois- Pistoles and hiked up along the river.

Within a few minutes we were seeing picturesque scenery's with rapids and small waterfalls. We stopped to have lunch and a beer nearby a small waterfall.

Further up the trail we found the large waterfall that we were actually looking for. It looked beautiful but we had been cautioned to not swim there because 13 people have died in the past. We found a shallower calm area to swim in lower down the river.

In the hills a lot of collected water had formed vernal pools.... Yes my mind went to herps as soon as I saw these beauties. You just know somethings gotta be living around this area.

As I was drying off from the swim I was joined by a really pretty metallic wasp.


Sentier National is one of my favorite places in Trois-Pistole. I would go there every day if I could. 

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