Tuesday 8 May 2012

Jamaica Day 9: Back to the wilderness!

After a nice day of relaxing on the beach it was time to get back at it. I awoke early this morning to dogs barking and after a quick breakfast headed towards the river.

I saw:
great egret

cattle egret
black crowned night heron
Black-crowned night heron
common moorhen
ruby throated hummingbird
brown pelican
yellow warbler
Yellow warbler

Herons and pelicans standing on fishing traps always amuse me because you know they could be in for a lazy treat but its hard not to remember the many times I have seen them get caught in nets or on a fishing line.
The river is quite beautiful in the morning with the small run down shacks and boats going along it. Early rising locals smiling and saying hello.
There were many dragonflies and butterflies along the path I took beside the river. None of which I can identify yet but I'll work on it and update later.

Swallow tail butterfly
Red eyed vireo> had a dark stripe down it's eye and grey on it's head with a brownish body.
Red eyed vireo on it's nest
I'm not too sure about this one...
Royal tern
Skipper (Hesperidae) butterfly
Another red eyed vireo
Common yellowthroat
Common yellowthroat

The scenery was gorgeous as I walked there and back.
White-crowned pigeon
White-crowned pigeon

On my walk towards Margaritaville along the road I saw a fair number of olive throated parakeets.
Find the parakeet!
Today was a great day for birding and I barely even remembered my own birthday! I must have looked surprised when my friend wished me a happy birthday because my response was "ohh yeah".

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