Wednesday 30 May 2012

Just a bit of the bike trail

Fromagerie with the best frozen yogurt and sundaes!
After checking the weather today I was determined to get out this evening. I went out birding since this would be the last nice day I spend in Trois-Pistoles. As I think to myself 'Where is close?' - because I have plans with friends in an hour -I remember a small dirt road near the gas station (the one across from the fromagerie) that goes down a hill.  I  bike to this and then walk. The trail to my disappointment ends very quickly. I am not ready to turn back yet so I start walking through the bushes towards the train tracks.

I hear many birds calling from my nice view and the lighting is great so I walk down the tracks for a bit and get sparrows, robins, crows goldfinches and common yellowthroats.

Common yellowthroat (4 seen, 6 heard)
American tree sparrow (2)
American crows (8)
American goldfinch (5)
American robin
Red-winged blackbird
Black capped chickadee

 The sun setting reminds me I'm already late and I turn back before my light runs out. It was short but very satisfying to get outside and see some wildlife on my last evening here.

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