Sunday 11 November 2012

Bolita-Day Nine

Today we hiked up the same trails as yesterday to try yet again to photograph a Black and Green Dart Frog. Hiding away with another Gufo Dulce Dart Frog was a juvenile Black and Green Dart Frog which was kind enough to sit still for us.
Green and Black Dart Frog (Dendrobates auratus)
We also tried to get up to the lookout again by turning the other direction at the top of the hill and ended up turning around because we couldn't find it.

We sadly said goodbye to Bolita today. After the much nicer hike down the entrance trail we entered Dos Brazos and waited for a taxi at the office. The town was alive with birds! One of my favorite types of birds (mot mots) was perched on our way into town and more were seen as we were waiting in the office.  The blue-crowned mot mot was definitely a bird highlight of the day after the Osa had made toucans and scarlet macaws a regular thing.

We took a taxi to Puerto Jimenez to stay overnight so we could catch the 5am bus to San Jose and get to Cahuita the next day. It was a very relaxing night with a lot of catching up on sleep.

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