Wednesday 7 November 2012

Drake Bay to Puerto Jimenez - Day Five

So we're kinda sick of trying to get into the park from Drake Bay this time of year and we're leaving today on the 1pm bus (or so we thought).

This morning birding was pretty good. We walked up the hill as before and turned left instead of right at the first fork. Unfortunately this took us due East and we quicky realized that although we're finding a lot of stuff including a Barred Forest Falcon, we couldn't get decent lighting for pictures.

We turned around and walked the same way we had the day before. The forest was in perfect lighting and bam! Flash of blue in the bushes. My camera goes up and I'm taking pictures of god knows what right now. It ended up being a gorgeous small bird> Green Honeycreeper.
Green Honeycreeper Male

We also saw the usual vultures and macaws, parakeets, wrens and orioles. I finally got a decent look at a Rufous-tailed Hummingbird.

The bus didn't arrive at 1pm because of the rain. Instead the man working on Marina's electricity and water offered us a ride to Puerto Jimenez. It was thrilling! We sat in the back of his truck during a rain storm, forged over many flooding rivers, sped uphill, downhill around turns.... It was definitely a ride!

Arriving in Puerot Jimenez we stayed at the cheapest hostel in town (Fanny Lu's) for $8 p.p.  The place wasn't bad and they had an advertisement for a place in the mountains called Bolita which we decided to move to the next day. 

Nachos, fried chicken and grocery shopping later we were quite satisfied and ready for our night walk.

A lot was calling! We quickly found Cane Toads, Tungara Frogs and Savage Frogs. At the end of this back road when we were debating on turning back we quickly scanned a puddle infront of us and Chris spotted the Hourglass Treefrog perched right over the puddle.

Hourglass Treefrog (Hyla ebraccata)

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