Monday 12 November 2012

Puerto Jimenez to Cahuita- Day 10

Fiery-throated Hummingbird
We spent a day in transit. This is not an over exaggeration! We were on a bus at 5am and didn't get off in Cahuita until 8-9pm. Driving through the Cerro de Muerte was my favorite part. It was gorgeous habitat and I wish we had stayed for a while to see more of it. It was nothing like anywhere else in Costa Rica I have ever seen.

 In the mountains we stopped at a restaurant called 'Restaurante La Georgina'  which had some very nice empanadas for hungry travelers and about 10 hummingbird feeders with many new species of hummingbirds all zipping around and fighting for a spot on a plastic flower. At an elevation of 3100m these were all species we hadn't seen yet. To day a few:

>Green Violet- eared hummingbird
>Fiery-throated hummingbird
>Volcano hummingbird
Volcano Hummingbird
>Magnificent hummingbird

To truly show how crazy these guys can be here is a video that I can' take credit for but found on YouTube > Hummingbirds at La Georgina

On arrival to Cahuita we were picked up by one of the owners of Cabinas Alegebra where we were staying the night. The hostel was on the far North side of town so it was very nice that they offer free pickup and drop off at the bus terminal. The two owners were very nice and we sat down with them and relaxed a while over a beer before they showed us to our room.Within 20 minutes of getting into our room we were out looking for the frogs we hear calling in the trees on the property. We found a few individuals which were always too high to catch and quickly disappeared even higher if we tried to coax them down.There was a very neat arboreal mammal, called a Kinkaju, eating fruit trees on the property. 
Frog calling at Cabinas Alegebra
The cabin we were in was quite nice but as we found out not secure at all. The wooden shutters we thought were locked in fact don't lock due to old wood and wearing down. The door stuck as we tried to open it giving the thief inside time to run out of one such windows with a laptop and iphone in a computer bag. Also in the computer bag was the journal which I use to write this blog and keep a hard copy of notes and descriptions for identification. BUT on the plus side... my camera equipment, passport and wallet were not stolen despite being out in the open.

In the end we learned a valuable lesson from this. Make sure the room you are in is secure because locked doors and windows only keep honest people out!

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