Thursday 22 November 2012

Cano Palma- Day 20

Bruno sitting on a chair when the water
flooded the kitchen
The large amount of rain the the past few days has caused the garden to flood by over a foot. Everyone is spending time indoors and on computers. I am going a little stir crazy and bored but as I was reading in the crows nest above the dock I saw some familiar birds.

Ringed kingfisher
Chestnut-sided warbler
Great Blue Heron
Scarlet-rumped Tanager

Around the kitchen I found strawberry dart frogs and yellow headed geckos. As the day went on the water kept rising and we have been talking about evacuation. If we lose power for a longer period of time or if the cookhouse floods to the point where we can't cook food we will need to move across the canal and stay at Vista for a while. The garden has plenty of fish in it now and as Chris and I were walking through it I stopped him from stepping on an eel he thought was a stick!

The herp plots were flooded above our waists but the rain stopped long enough to find 42 individual herps for an overall great night. The Litter Skink, Coffee Snake and Orange-tailed Gecko were cool to begin with but the Purple Caecilian was by far the highlight of the night!

Purple Caecilian (Gymnopis multiplicata)

Purple Caecilian (Gymnopis multiplicata)

Orange-tailed Gecko (Lepidoblepharis xanthostigma)

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