Tuesday 6 November 2012

Drake Bay- Day Four

Our morning walk up the hill along the one road which is Drake Bay we saw:

Squirrel Cuckoo
Blue Gray tanager
Scarlet-rumped Tanager
Parakeet sp.
Baltimore Orioles?

and a few other smaller things.

We moved to the hostel next door (Marina's Place) where they had drinkable water and better WIFI signal. The kitchen was a lot nicer and the owner was great. Ohhh and those aren't even my favorite parts! She had a library with books on Costa Rican wildlife! It was a little bit of heaven to be able to figure out a few species that I didn't know.

A walk down the beach was our first attempt to get into the park. Apparently if you get there at the right time you can cross the river and although it's a long hike in you COULD do it without a guide. Unforunately high tide had other plans for us> A Great Black Hawk perched on the beach in the rain! This bird was literally ridiculously close to me and didn't budge an inch or even bother to notice me.
Juvenile Great Black Hawk
Snowy Egrets and Four-lined Whiptails were some things we saw on the beach when the sun cleared up and we decide to try another route into the park. We walked down the road paralell to the beach until it turned into a path and then we kept going. We saw many brown basilisks along the streams.

Eventually we ended up on private property by making a wrong turn of the public path. The guy who owned it said 'Hello' and we chatted with him for a bit. He was clearing his property to make bungalows for toursits so he could start a buisness and he said we were welcome to go on his property whenever and even offered us tents to sleep in overnight if we wanted to. Unfortunately the hostel was already paid for.

We found two new species of very tiny frogs on his property that day and his property was gorgeous with a spring and a creek right in the middle of it. On the way off his property we saw litter skinks and a wet forest toad.
Frog sp. 1
Fog sp. 2

The rain, sunset and sunrise seam to be like clockwork here. It's always sunny in the morning and the sun it up by 5:30am. It rains every afternoon usually before 3pm and the sun is down by 5:30pm.  We started out night walk at 7pm tonight because it was already dark for a few hours. It was semi raining still. We saw a lot of cool things that night!

Tungara Frog
Savage Frog
Rosenberg's Gladiator Frog
Watson's Climbing Rat
Masked Smilisca
Masked Smilisca

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